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I have many passions in life, but design, marketing, and gardening are the things that truly pique my interest. Having worked in education for 8 years, I became a perpetual pupil and advocate for learning. I'm a marketing professional with over 15 years of experience including graphic design, campaign planning, brand management, communications, project management, and strategic planning.




Available for

General Marketing

Brand Management

Graphic Design

Social Media



Fort Lauderdale, FL







  • LinkedIn

Justin is an excellent leader and collaborator. We worked on many campaigns together remotely using Asana and other tools to seamlessly intake and hand off elements of projects. His planning and organization kept us on task, on budget and on schedule. His creativity elevated the quality of end products. Not least of all, we had fun!

- Valentina Plant

During my time working with Justin, he exemplified a vast assortment of skills and knowledge in various marketing areas; from precise and enticing graphics to wide-ranging digital strategies. I often looked to Justin as a mentor for many things, such as communication, design, processes, digital strategies, and more. 

- Kayla Schroek

Justin is fantastic to work with. He helped to revamp our website, branding, and marketing strategies. He kept us on task and gave our website and branding a fresh new look. His work on our marketing strategies helped drive more inbound leads and drove growth.

- Robert McClure

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